Thursday 19 May 2016


This is a victory of ours. You made us to fight continuously. A relentless fight we made amongst our friends, relatives, and acquaintances every day, every hour, every minute when your action were being shown by most of the Bengali Channels directly or sarcastically in a depreciated, condemned  way, negatively and resonated by  some of our friends who are supporter of Left, Congress and BJP.

Then, we held your flag high, we highlighted your action, we did show your achievements, we showed your tireless action, your run, your talk, your views and above all your smile. We highlighted your honesty. Sometimes we kept mum when something went against you by the deed your party leaders. We knew when and how to remain silent.

We saw your fight from the beginning. How the long 34 years had ruined Bengal, its people, its culture. We witnessed your fight and we were the force who led you. We know that you believe us. You know we support you. So you go forward with your hawai.

Didi, we cried for you when at the end of election process, your face was gloomy. It sounded in the ballot box with a big bang and ousted the opponent so ruthlessly.

Didi, we are, were, and will be with you. You just do your job and shine Bengal

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